For help and support with our platform, sales questions or to report a fault please contact us using the quick form below. All communication is read and responded to by our core team located in Australia so please allow us up to 48 hours for a reply.
Fast answers to our most common questions is built to simplify the review collection process. When you complete a transaction or service with your customer, and they receive a confirmation email (e.g., shipping confirmation), you BCC After a predetermined number of days, we'll send out an email requesting a review.
This automated process ensures you gather feedback consistently without the manual hassle.
With, the process is seamless and best of all no programming or development needed! After a 1 minute sign up, you simply navigate to the settings page where you are given a unique email address from our system, you then BCC this email address in your transactional or service-completion emails.
From there, will send a follow-up email to your customers after a number of days specified by you, prompting them to leave a review. This way, you can automate the review collection process without any additional effort on your end.
Absolutely! is designed to cater to businesses with one or multiple brands. Our dashboard provides an easy way to manage review requests for each brand separately. This includes the customisation of emails per brand, Ensure you set up each brand in your account with the correct logo and business details and you're good to go. prioritises your reputation. If a customer indicates they had a negative experience, they will first be directed to provide feedback privately, allowing you to address any issues quickly and efficiently. This process aims to give you a chance to rectify the situation before a public review is made.
Yes, we're constantly improving and innovating. While we can't spill all the beans, we are working on some exciting features that will enhance user experience and provide businesses with even more tools to leverage customer feedback. Stay tuned!
Your data security is a top priority. employs advanced encryption methods and follows best practices to ensure all user data is safeguarded. Additionally, we're compliant with global data protection regulations, ensuring that your information and your customers' data remain confidential and secure.
No, while Google My Business (GMB) is one of the most popular platforms, is designed to be versatile. We support multiple review platforms, ensuring that your customers can leave feedback on the platform they are most comfortable with.
The URL that happy customers are directed to is 100% customisable and can be anything from a truelocal or yellow pages listing to a page on your own website.
Our pricing is structured to offer the best value for businesses of all sizes. We have a 100% free tier which lets you use the platforms for up to 10 reviews per month, we then scale up as you grow with paid plans starting from $29 per month. We have multiple packages tailored to fit different needs.
For detailed pricing information and to find the best plan for you, please visit our Pricing page.
Send up to 20 review requests per month with
our forever free plan.
No credit card required, no strings attached, cancel at any time.